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So far admin has created 3 blog entries.

The Blockchain shout-out: Major Applications and Benefits

We are sure most of you have heard a little bit of the famous digital currency known as Bitcoin; specially nowadays when it seems that every source in the digital media has something to say about it: growth rate, stability analysis, risk management, etc. Be as it may, it is undeniable that is becoming the [...]

By Transforma Team|November 30th, 2017|

Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning in the field of Information Security

While technology is evolving, the demand for higher and stronger security levels is also increasing because more and more people are placing their information on the web. Some of the more popular and widely used mediums of information security are artificial intelligence and machine learning. Artificial Intelligence, popularly known as AI, is one of the [...]

By Transforma Team|October 14th, 2017|

The Power and the Future of the Internet of Things

The Internet of Things bears the power to transform our world. And although we have already started seeing its wonders and its incredible impact, we actually are still at the beginning of this huge, transformational journey. Here, we are going to discuss the current power of the IoT and its numerous applications, the consumer benefits [...]

By Transforma Team|February 8th, 2017|